Thursday, March 4, 2010

spring cleaning, zero waste: yankee crafty bitch edition!

So, in case you were wondering, this zero waste cleaning stuff is NOT EASY. As we sit here, blogging, sipping some deliciously local Rao's coffee we picked up last night at Sherman Market, we remain cluttered into a corner by stacks of magazines and broken appliances. It's looking like we might be here for a while.

Luckily, our crafty friends over at Yankee Crafty Bitch (twitter 'em at @yankeecrafty) have reached out to us in our time of need and picked up one of the challenges we were least excited about: finding a use for all of these paperboard jewelry boxes. They're EVERYWHERE. They're ALL EMPTY. And yet, they're boxes. And as such, they possess inherent usefulness. And as such, we can not simply throw them away. (We know, we know. We have a serious problem.) Dun da daaaa! YCB to the rescue! Check out the totally awesome solution they crafted up:

It's a desk/jewelry/craft organizer! It's all one unit, instead of a bazillion random free-ranging boxes! They used the lids, too! We can store our safety pins, sewing needles, spare buttons, earrings, thumbtacks, blah, blah, blah, without buying a desk or jewelry organizer and sending those boxes to the landfill. We love it! We know you love it, too. Want to make one? It's super easy. Check out their blog for the step-by-step here

Worried about us over here, under all this junk? Don't be; YCB has promised to make another appearance in our quest for Spring Cleaning, Zero Waste, so we've got a lifeline to organization. Check back here for another awesome YCB creation soon (follow us on Twitter @gogreenologist so we can let you know when it happens)! Until then, don't forget about our Green Challenge; while we slave away, you could be winning stuff. Pretty nice deal you've worked out for yourself, there, fellow Greenologist.

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