OH MY GOSH. This takeout packaging was so wasteful! It's rare that we actually get takeout, since it does tend to mean lots of bags and the possibility of styrofoam, which might be the only inanimate object we have a sincerely toxic relationship with (ha... ha?), so we didn't even think to ask about packaging. LESSON LEARNED. Check out what our falafel, hummus and tabbouleh got us -->
OH MY GOSH. That's so much trash. So much non-recyclable, non-renewable, landfill-filling trash. Part of us is flabbergasted that anyone would think it necessary to wrap a plastic container of hummus in a paper bag and then put that paper bag in a plastic bag. Part of us is upset that people still use styrofoam and that styrofoam is still being produced at all. But mostly, we're mad at ourselves for not thinking ahead on this one and helping to encourage this kind of waste. We really hate being unexpected accessories to the proliferation of environmental consumerism. Grrr.
As we have learned, however, simply being outraged solves nothing. Instead, it's time to learn from our mistakes and be proactive about keeping this from happening again. So. Here it comes... Our very first Green Challenge!
What's a Green Challenge? So glad you asked! A Green Challenge is Greenologist's way of keeping living green fun. Once a month, we'll be suggesting a Green Challenge to our fellow Greenologists; a task that's simple to do but that, done together, can make a big difference in the way we affect our environment and our community. Sometimes there will be prizes involved (oooo!), sometimes there will be discounts involved (ahh!) to help us do what we're doing on the cheap. No matter what, the challenge will be an easy step toward greening our lives while supporting the local economy. Once our "real" website is up, there'll even be a place for all you Greenologists to share your ideas and strategies for taking on the Challenge.
Sound fun? Here we go!
In light of what will heretofore be known as the Falafel Fiasco, this month's Green Challenge is all about a Takeout Takedown. (That's it for alliteration. Promise.) We propose that you and your families/roommates/cats take a look at the way those on-the-go, I-don't-feel-like-cooking meals affect the landfill. And do something about it. Here's how:
1. Accept that there might be plastic involved. Most of the plastics used in takeout containers can't be recycled by municipal plants, so have a plan for how to reuse them. We take those pint containers and save them to use for freezing summer soups and starting tomato plants on our windowsill. The lids usually lock tighter than Tupperware, too. Our friend uses them to organize her small craft supplies (buttons, pins, ribbon, etc).
2. Let them know you don't need all that extra shiz. Plastic cutlery, plastic bags, 27 ketchup packets, 349 napkins... If you use one of those online ordering systems, put a note in the delivery comments area. If you're speaking with a human when you order, tell them instead.
3. Pick it up yourself. Take a little jaunt, get the blood flowing, work off some of the calories you're about to consume, and cut the car out of the equation. Save a few bucks on tipping the delivery dude, too.
4. If there is Styrofoam on the premises, leave and never look back. Styrofoam is NOT recyclable, it NEVER decomposes and it turns to toxic gas as its molecular structure breaks down over time. Ew. If you're feeling ballsy, tell the folks there (nicely, of course) that there are other, less horrible packaging products out there, and that you won't be back until they start using them.
5. Eat out! No packaging involved! Besides, it's way classier than hovering over your laptop with a slice of pizza, typing one-handed and dripping sauce all over your pants. Not that we would know what that's like...
6. Bring your own containers. There are a bazillion sustainable packages out there just begging to be filled with country style pad thai. If they balk at filling up your Thermos, tell them (nicely, again), that you're sorry, but you and your Thermos have a very close relationship, and you can't go anywhere without it. Including their establishment.
There you have it. You do a few of those six simple things, we all get a greener planet.

Need some incentive to hop on the Green Challenge train? We've got you covered. How does a spankin' new To-Go Ware Three-tier Tiffin Action Pack ($43.95) sound? Pretty awesome? Uh, yeah. This thing is the bees knees. It's 3 interlocking reusable containers in a recycled cotton bag with a utensil pouch and two condiment caddies. And it's from an outrageously ethical company. Pretty. Awesome.
Want to win it? Email us (greenologistboston@gmail.com) a photo of you doing any one of those 6 Green Challenge tasks, and we'll throw your name in the hat! The winner will be selected at random on Wednesday, March 31st and announced here on our blog. Remember to include your name and contact info in the body of the email so we know who you are when you win. And if you're a Twitterererer, follow us and let us know you're up for the Green Challenge at @gogreenologist by retweeting any of our Green Challenge tweets, and you'll be entered to win a little something extra. Ooooo, we love surprises!
Questions, comments, concerns? Let us know! Otherwise...
Let the Green Challenge begin!
Don't have a photo, but props to S&S Deli in Inman Square! I went in for a bagel to-go this morning and in my wakeful haze forgot to ask for minimal packaging. Well they asked me! "Do you need a bag?"
ReplyDelete"Uh, no, actually. Thank you so much!" Got just what I needed, a little wax paper for a wrapper and a single napkin.