But it's ok! We snagged some really sweet stuff, we supported local artisans, and in every case, we did it sustainably. Check it out:
Eco-Metalsmith Jesse Danger:

So, aside from the fact that this guy has the coolest name EVER (Danger's only our middle name), his gorgeous line of jewelry -- made entirely from recycled metals and conflict-free gemstones -- is the epitome of grace and simplicity. It's nature meets urban minimalism, and it reminds us that sustainable can be chic, and recycled doesn't have to mean wearing manipulated utensils as rings. Speaking of rings, we were particularly in love with two of his creations: the Metropolis ring ($175), whose twin gemstones mimic the city skyline, and the ethereal Dragonfly Wing ring ($495), which we'll happily accept as a Valentine's Day gift in place of -- or in addition to -- the previously mentioned "Let's Make Out" pillow. We're a size 4.5. Thanks.
"Neckties aren't just for dudes anymore:"

We think it's safe to say that artist Nicole Deponte pretty much brought the funk this weekend. Her "upcycled" fabric inventions, created from remnant ties, fringe, buttons, sequins, and vintage scarves, rocked our socks. You might be thinking, "Outmoded neckties? Like my dad/husband/weird uncle wears? Say what?" Ladies, we hear you. Suspend your skepticism and fashion phobias for just one minute while you try one of Nicole's creations on. It's OK that you don't ooze cool; we're here to hold your hand whilst you delve into something different... See? It's actually outrageously versatile! And not just for the painfully hip! We see our NH-bound mother snagging a piece that hints at its past as a nautical-themed knockoff Hermes, and we're going to rock a multi-layered, earth-toned piece in lieu of a bulky scarf this spring when our t-shirts and jeans beg for a little easy accessorizing. We know, we can't believe we can pull something like this off, either! This is the part where you go tell all your friends and pretend you discovered this all on your own through the power of the Internet and Nicole's Etsy page.
Guys like to look good, too:

Sorry, guys. You tend to get short shrift at these craft fair things, so full they are with jewelry, feminist magnets, jewelry, feminist stationery, jewelry, and jewelry. Nicole Keane feels your pain. She didn't create F. Rock sustainable carryalls ($235-$450) for that reason alone, but her booth, full of decidedly manly courier bags made from 100% reclaimed leather and menswear factory scraps, was a haven for our very patient male companion as we tried on about 45 different pairs of earrings. Her custom-made bags, fit to carry laptops, graduate theses, and more diapers than you ever thought could possibly be necessary, are unique, handsome (just like you!), and well-crafted enough to survive Boston winters, riding the MBTA, and whatever destructive force a toddler might unleash. Although, we know all you really care about is whether there's a pocket big enough for The Watchmen. There is.
oH my christ ,that neck tie is the jim-jam!