You might be sitting at your computer right now, perusing the Interwebs, shirking your duties, thinking to yourself, "I wonder what food poisoning's like." Excellent question, fellow Greenologist! Having all the answers to all of your questions like we do enables us to tell you: It sucks. It might suck more than anything else in the world, ever. Like, combine getting your heart broken for the first time with hearing that Bush was re-elected for a second term and finding out your dog doesn't like you that much. Food poisoning is worse. Just trust us on this one.
Anyway, food poisoning sucks so much that we've been unable to post here or anywhere else for a few days. Sorry! We still love you! We'll be back in full force tomorrow with a review of Amy Cotler's book, The Locavore Way: Discover and Enjoy the Pleasures of Locally Grown Food, which we enjoyed immensely.
Until then, we leave you with this, which was our sole source of pleasure over the past 36 hours. Enjoy.
"I was able to send her pictures... of the refineries and pipelines that we want to put into that wilderness!"
ReplyDeleteThanks for that link. Food poisoning is pretty awful, especially the poisoning part. Hope Ms. Greenologist is feeling better. Looking forward to the review!