Tuesday, February 2, 2010

whatever happened to the green bean?

Hi, folks.

Some of you might recall having a conversation with a wee lady in Spring of 2009 about a totally awesome business that she was starting. It was home delivery of farmer's market produce! It was affordable! It was sustainable! It was awesome! It was the Green Bean. "Wait a minute," you might be thinking to yourself at this very moment. "Whatever happened to the Green Bean? They kind of just fell off the face of the earth." Sad, but true.

Well, folks, it turns out that the Green Bean's inherent awesomeness made a certain supermarket conglomerate a little nervous. Said conglomerate, being emotionally blocked and a poor communicator, sent the Green Bean a pretty nasty letter that more or less put the kibosh on all the awesomeness. "But green beans and pea pods aren't even the same thing!" we said. "Scary legal stuff! Really scary financial stuff! More scary legal stuff!" they replied. And so the Green Bean was put back on the bench before it even got the chance to play. Lame.

We were so frustrated, we considered quitting the whole game and moving to France, just to get out from under Corporate America's thumb for a while. But our friends and family said, "Are you crazy?! You can't give up! That's what this whole thing is about!" And then we visited some more farms and talked to some more farmers. And then we got back from France and remembered how much we like it here. And then we saw Food, Inc. And then it was on, baby.

So now we're back, and we're doing it for the locals. But not just the local farms. This time, we're doing it for the whole community. We're bringing you locally-farmed meats and produce. We're helping you shop at local businesses more often and more effectively. We're supplying you with the tools and recipes you need to make living and eating locally easy and awesome. We're constantly bringing you new tips and ideas about ways to green your life and save money, all while supporting the community and economy around you.

So. The Green Bean is gone, but Greenologist is here. We're crazy excited, and we hope you are, too. This blog will keep you updated with information about our services, website (currently being built by the wonderful folks at MBATeam and up at the end of this month), and community members who are helping us turn Greenologist into a reality, so be sure to check back with us regularly. In the meantime, follow us on Twitter at @gogreenologist, or on facebook.

Many thanks, and we'll be seeing you.


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