Check out the latest awesome produced by our fave Northern ladies over at
Yankee Crafty Bitch! These gals take DIY to a new level, and we love them for it. We yet again enlisted them in helping with our
Spring Cleaning, Zero Waste-athon, and they yet again came through with a bitchin' way to reuse our seemingly unusable stuff. Last time, they delivered a
sweet organizer made of old paperboard jewelry boxes. This time? Our old, scratched CD's have been transformed into...
A home disco ball! Oh, man.
It's kind of mod, it's kind of McQueen-meets-Martha, and we're kind of obsessed.
Want to make your own? Natch. Get all the info, photos, directions and encouragement you need on their blog. While you're there, you might want to check out all the other cool stuff they're up to (wood-fired Rice Crispies treats, anyone?) and shake some of that city livin'. Almost as good for the soul as dancing under the light of your very own disco ball.
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